Seven Deadly Sins Walk into a Bar
Everyone wonder how exhausting it must be to be a deadly sin? Lots of pressure to succeed, to ruin people’s lives, to sow doubt and dread. You know, pretty much being all negative all the time. Nothing like slipping into a bar with your co workers and grabbing a cold one before calling it a wrap. Rumor has it, Galaxy Girl knows something about Deadly Sins. Or maybe she just knows about bars. Regardless, nothing slides up to a bar better than a deadly sins. No joke. (Buy)
Door to Nothingness
Doors open and close. Is the old saying, “when one door closes, another opens” true? Sometimes it feels as if what is in front and back of the door is the same. But the human spirit leads us to walk through the door anyway. It is important to do. To learn. To go forward. That’s what we do as humans. Even if sometimes we aren’t “feeling it”. (Buy)
Book of Memories
This image is not technically a Galaxy Girl image, but it is one of my favorites of Brandie. If it sells, great. If it doesn’t, I’ll happily leave it on my wall. The question it asks, and possibly answers, is where do you keep your memories? Memories are the most sacred thing we have. I have a hard drive full of pictures. Pics of kids, previous lives lived, family and friends. Those are my memories. That is what this picture means to me. (Buy)
The Scream
The Scream - What happens when you put a women who has spent over 20 years in the medical field in an old doctor’s office and tell her to express how she feels about 50’s medicine.
Image was taken on the first day we ever met in person. Knowing Brandie is never boring:) (Buy)
She’s Got Legs
Power legs. Very few things in American culture will bring a red blooded male down faster than a great pair of legs. Unless, of course, those power legs are attached to a person who doesn’t really give a flying fuck what red bloodied American males think. They are hers. She owns them. They carry her on her own mission. God gave them to her, not him. (Buy)
Brandie and I spent several hours in an ancient roadside motel doing……this:) In fact, I drove around town for a couple of days asking roadside motel owners to see their rooms. I finally found this one. It was the only room the owner hadn’t updated yet. It was perfect for our shoot. Add a Terra Studios Bluebird of Happiness and a shop light to cast shadows of mystery and intrigue…..poof! Non-Filtered! (Buy)
My favorite “Solarmatic” story is the guy who busted out laughing when he saw it for the first time. He said his mother owned a salon for 50 years and this was her! Image created in a Norman Rockwell style with Brandie doing what she does…….smoking cigarettes and being awesome. Buy at Solarmatic
Abandoned Rockwell
Abandoned Rockwell was created the first day Brandie and I met and shot together. The location was an old abandoned 4 story office building. It had multiple offices. Everything from old land survey offices to a hair dresser!
I’m a fan of Norman Rockwell. He is known for his Illustrations of American life. He also didn’t live the simplified American vision he portrayed. His personal legacy is much more complicated, just like yours and mine. This is our tribute to him. This is how I believe he viewed his subjects before he sanitized them for the rest of America. But at Abandoned Rockwell.