Don Byram Don Byram

Yes, Yes She Can

Iconic, traditional, abandoned. Take your pick or choose them all. Galaxy Girl Brandie strikes the right pose. Available here!

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Don Byram Don Byram

Compliance - Sarah Holderfield


As I approach the one year anniversary of the last time I went into a store, the last time I had dinner with friends, or the last time I hugged family outside my house, I don’t feel smug justification for a lifelong habit of obsessive hand washing, I have a sense of motionlessness that’s not peace, but a lull – and we often believe that any stillness is stagnation.

I am no longer on the roller coaster of expectancy waiting for something, good or bad, to happen. There have been plenty of both as we realized the big difference between what is simple and what is easy.

It may be simple to keep yourself and others safe but it’s not easy for so many because humans are such interconnected, social creatures. The heavy burden of introspection brought on by isolation and the strain of living with your own flaws in front of a mirror can feel like too much. The self-identities we all create are harder to maintain when we don’t feel we have to wrap up in those identities every day.

I have learned a few things in the past year: one, being grateful for what I have – not in comparison to those who have less or more, but in comparison to my needs – is important; two, I think I’m more qualified for deep space exploration as I now feel I’ve had some practice with long-term isolation; and three, we cannot live in a state of emergency forever – if we’re flexible with our-definition of what we consider “normal,” it goes a long way to being more happy with where you are and being more gentle on yourself.

Sarah Holderfield

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Don Byram Don Byram

Candid Camera

Ever wondered what Norman Rockwell would do painting a person with a smartphone? Brandie and I did.

Candid Camera - Copyright Don Byram

Candid Camera - Copyright Don Byram

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Don Byram Don Byram


Joy - Copyright Don Byram

Joy - Copyright Don Byram

Spent a fast but wonderful afternoon at our state capitol spreading joy with Galaxy Girl, Brandie. (Buy)

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Don Byram Don Byram

Coffee Time

Coffee Time - Copyright Don Byram

Coffee Time - Copyright Don Byram

I’ve got time to listen. Talk to me. Set of 4 for that breakfast nook. (Buy)

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Don Byram Don Byram

Come Hither

Come Hither - Copyright Don Byram

Come Hither - Copyright Don Byram

A Cigarette. A cup of coffee. Curlers. Moi? (Buy)

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Don Byram Don Byram

Hurray for Hollywood

Hurray for Hollywood - Copyright Don Byram

Hurray for Hollywood - Copyright Don Byram

Glamourous is as glamourous does. Bring on James Dean. (Buy)

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Don Byram Don Byram

Saturday Evening Post

Candid Camera - Copyright Don Byram

Candid Camera - Copyright Don Byram

The core image of Saturday Evening Post is “Candid Camera.” Basically, it’s Norman Rockwell meets Galaxy Girl Selfie. (Buy)

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Don Byram Don Byram

C is for Cooking

C is for Cooking - Copyright Don Byram

C is for Cooking - Copyright Don Byram

A little love goes a long way in home cooking. This image was created in one shot at my house. Two smoke bombs in the oven. One smoke detector underneath a pillow in the back room. A flash unit in the oven. Over a hour to set up a 30 second shoot! We bailed out the back door pretty fast:) I added the hand tinted feel to it all. (Buy)

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Don Byram Don Byram

Four Quater Noir

Four Quarter Noir - Copyright Don Byram

Four Quarter Noir - Copyright Don Byram

Who is she talking to? Who owns the second cigarette? Is she always this elegant? The mystery of our Galaxy Girl at Four Quarter Bar in N. Little Rock. (Buy)

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Don Byram Don Byram

Maldonado’s Dream

Maldonado’s Dream - copyright Don Byram

Maldonado’s Dream - copyright Don Byram

I’m a Edward Hopper fan. I like how he isolates his subjects. How the light sets the mood and frames his subjects. When I get an opportunity to steal from a master, I try to. This is a tip of the hat to the style of Edward Hopper. Light is mine. Mood and pose is all Brandie. One of my personal favorite images. (Buy)

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Don Byram Don Byram

It’s Complicated

It’s Complicated - Copyright Don Byram

It’s Complicated - Copyright Don Byram

Sometimes things aren’t just as they seem. Sometimes we put on a front that isn’t quite what the truth is. Not that it is worst or better than reality, just different. Or, sometimes, just weirder. (Buy)

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Don Byram Don Byram

Party Line

Party Line - Copyright Don Byram

Party Line - Copyright Don Byram

Brandie and I are always in search of interesting and vintage spots to shoot. When we heard there was a claw footed tub in an remodeled historic apartment, we looked at each other and at the same time said, “Ballooooons”! She grabbed the detachable shower head and turned it into a phone in a moment of genius. I still giggle when I look at this picture. (Buy)

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Don Byram Don Byram

Dancing into Dreamland

Dancing into Dreamland - Copyright Don Byram

Dancing into Dreamland - Copyright Don Byram

You can’t walk into the historic Dreamland Ballroom in Little Rock without your heart beating a little faster. There is a palatable and emotional feel of history here. Of dreams and challenges for both individuals and our society as a whole. Dreamland Ballroom has it’s foundation in the past of Little Rock, both the good and bad. It is actively determining it’s future.

Brandie has danced here. Has attended functions here. Has felt the history. Now, she is part of it. (Buy)

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Don Byram Don Byram

Gone with Eden

Gone with Eden - Copyright Don Byram

Gone with Eden - Copyright Don Byram

The Old Mill in North Little Rock is renown for it’s beauty, especially in Spring, when everything is exploding in blooms. Brandie and I caught it on a rainy cold morning in March. The upside for us was we had the place all to ourselves because of the cold nasty weather. The downside was there was a cold nasty reason we had it all to ourselves! Luckily, the images came out warm:) (Buy)

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Don Byram Don Byram

The Old Mill

The Old Mill - Copyright Don Byram

The Old Mill - Copyright Don Byram

The Old Mill North Little Rock was seen in the opening credits of the movie, Gone with the Wind. My title leans more towards the beauty of the place in a March rainstorm with Galaxy Girl, Brandie. The rain and cold kept the normal photogs and visitors away. Brandie was able to create beautiful and classic poses from what Eden must have looked like. (Buy)

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Don Byram Don Byram

And She Was

And She Was - Copyright Don Byram

And She Was - Copyright Don Byram

Samuel Taylor Coleridge coined the phrase, “Willing suspension of disbelief”. It is now used in the theater or movies to transport audiences to a pretend world, hopefully setting the psyche temporarily free. Galaxy Girl shorted the whole concept and coined the phrase, “Willing suspension”. (Buy)

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Don Byram Don Byram

The Creation of Eve

The Creation of Eve - Copyright Don Byram

The Creation of Eve - Copyright Don Byram

To think that God is a guy or the Adam of the Sistine Chapel is reality is just plain silly. My push back is if God created Adam (cough, cough) she also created Eve. If Adam was portrayed on the ceiling of a chapel in Italy, the Eve of modern day should be portrayed in the hallway of an abandoned American home. (Buy)

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